Is Social Security Taxable?

Social Security is taxable, but only if you’re making a certain amount either as an individual or a couple, and SSI is never taxable.

Is SSI Considered Welfare?

SSI is considered welfare, but receiving SSI can be very difficult. With a skilled SSDI & SSI lawyer on your side, you’ll have a much better chance of receiving the benefits you deserve.

How Does Social Security Work?

When it comes to Social Security, most of it goes to retirees, while the rest is reserved for people who need to stop working before retirement age due to a disability. If you work, you will pay Social Security taxes that contribute to this system.

Can I Receive Social Security Backpay?

In most cases, you can receive Social Security back pay. How and when that payment occurs depends on a number of specific circumstances and how many other disability benefits programs you’ve been approved for.

Can Someone on Supplemental Security Income Inherit a House?

Supplemental Security Income recipients can lose their asset status if they inherit a second home that’s not their primary residence. If a recipient only has one residence, then they can continue to receive benefits if that residence is indeed their primary one.

How Children Qualify for Supplemental Security Income

The SSI process is noted for being difficult and stringent, especially when it comes to qualifying children with disabilities. It’s important to note the entire process and income thresholds when starting the application process.

What Military Service Members Need to Know About Social Security

Military service members abide by many of the same rules as civilians when it comes to Social Security bar a few key differences. Certain military members may be entitled to extra earnings credits on their record while others may not. It’s important to consult a qualified Social Security claims attorney to ensure you’re getting all that’s owed to you.