Lupus is an invisible illness. However, even though others may not be able to see your disability, it’s very real to you. And now your lupus is making it difficult for you to do everyday things like the chores or even getting up out of bed. You can’t imagine going to work in this state.
However, you know you need to pay the bills, which is why you’re looking into SSDI. With SSDI from the Social Security Administration, you could receive monthly checks to cover your expenses. Then, you wouldn’t have to worry so much.
Here’s some information on getting SSDI for lupus.
Applying for SSDI for Lupus
To qualify for SSDI, you need to have symptoms of lupus that are so bad that you have not worked for at least the past 12 months, or you anticipate not being able to work for the next year or more. You also cannot switch to another line of work. The lupus symptoms that may qualify you are weight loss, malaise, fever, and fatigue.
Proving You Have Lupus Symptoms
It isn’t enough to tell the SSA you have lupus symptoms; you’ll need to prove it with the proper documentation. This includes a list of your medications, test results that demonstrate you have lupus, medical records from a doctor who specializes in treating lupus, and a medical record that details all of your symptoms.
Working With Schott Law to Retrieve SSDI
Most people who apply for SSDI get turned down. But if you hire a lawyer to help you, you’ll have a better chance of getting approved. If you need help applying for SSDI for lupus, Schott Law is here for you. Maggie Schott is an SSDI & SSI lawyer serving Washington and Idaho. Contact us now at (509) 328-5789 to start your application.