You hope to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance. Receiving monthly payments could change your life by helping you pay for your basic expenses and bills. However, you aren’t sure you will be eligible because you don’t know if you have a qualifying work record.
Read on for more information about what this means so you’re prepared when you apply for SSDI.
What Is a Qualifying Work Record?
A qualifying work record is how you pay into the system for receiving SSDI benefits. Essentially, when you work, you need to pay into the government system through FICA taxes. You will have to earn enough credits to qualify for SSDI, but the number of credits will vary based on whether you’re going for retirement or disability benefits.
The Amount of Credits You Need
The amount of credits is different based on everyone’s individual situation. But, if you have a developmental disability and you are under the age of 24 and working, you may be able to qualify with as few as six credits. To give you some perspective, once you’ve earned $6,040 for the year, that qualifies as four credits.
What If You Receive SSI, Too?
You may currently be receiving SSI benefits. SSDI is unearned income, while SSI is called a needs-based benefit. Your SSI payment is going to be reduced by your SSDI payment after a $20 exclusion goes into effect. If your SSDI payment is more than your SSI payment, you will not receive your SSI payment any longer.
Working With Schott Law
If you need help with your SSDI or SSI, Schott Law is here for you. Maggie Schott is an SSDI & SSI lawyer serving Washington and Idaho. Contact us now at (509) 328-5789 to start your application.