SSDI Appeals Attorney — Washington

Trusted Legal Guidance Throughout the SSDI Appeals Process in Washington State

Two persons sitting together at a table | Schott Law

If, like many people, your initial application for disability benefits has been denied, your next step is to find a lawyer who can guide you through the appeals process. The knowledgeable legal team at Schott Law is proud to offer assistance in two major areas of Social Security: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits appeals. With years of experience in welfare and disability benefits matters, the legal professionals at Schott Law are fully prepared to help you sort through the laws, regulations, and other legal hurdles you must navigate in order to secure the SSDI and SSI benefits to which you are entitled. Our firm can take SSDI and SSI appeals to the Appeals Council, but we do not handle federal court appeals.

Accuracy and Experience Matter

In order to receive SSDI or SSI benefits on appeal, you’ll need to prove eligibility. We will work closely with you to determine whether your case is eligible for appeal and address your questions at every turn. As the time frame for processing Social Security disability claims appeals may be longer than you need it to be, it’s imperative you reach out to us as soon as possible. This way, we can take immediate action and expedite the process of securing you the benefits you need. Having all of the necessary documents and information assembled beforehand, such as the names and contact information of any doctors, caseworkers or hospitals that took care of you, test results, and a summary of where you worked, can help speed up the process.

Get in Touch

When we meet with you to discuss your appeal, we’ll assemble all of the necessary documentation that demonstrates why you are entitled to disability benefits. When necessary, we will appear at any hearings or court proceedings on your behalf to ensure all arguments in your case are heard. Together, we’ll advocate for your right to obtain the SSDI or SSI benefits you deserve. Reach out today to get started.

Get Started

Contact us today if you have a potential SSDI Appeals case.

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Working with an experienced attorney can make the SSDI appeals process feel much less intimidating. At Schott Law, we're committed to helping you successfully appeal your SSDI denial so that you can obtain the benefits you deserve. Call our Spokane office today at (509) 328-5789 to get started.