When you are a recipient of Social Security Income (SSI), you won’t receive more than $794 per month for an individual or $1,191 per month if you’re an eligible individual with an eligible spouse. With today’s high cost of living, that money might not be enough.
Thankfully, Washington State and Idaho have something called the State Supplement Program (SSP) in place. Read on to learn more.
What Is the SSP?
The SSP is a program that gives supplemental payments to recipients of SSI. If you are the right age or you’re disabled or blind under the Social Security Administration’s guidelines, then you should qualify for SSP payments in Washington and Idaho as well.
What Are the SSP Limits for Washington and Idaho?
The SSP limit for certain qualifying individuals in Washington is $38.25 per month in 2021.
The SSP limit for certain qualifying individuals in Idaho is $53.
Applying for the State Supplementary Payment Program
Currently, the SSP program in Washington is closed to new applicants with the exception of SSP Pre-Vocational Legacy (PVL). Idaho’s application process is unclear, so you could always call your local SSA office to find out details on how to apply.
Applying for SSI
You can apply for SSI benefits online through the SSA’s website. You will need to print and review the Adult Disability Checklist, complete the Disability Benefit Application, and complete a medical release form. If you’re having trouble applying or want to increase your chances of getting approved, then get in touch with Schott Law today.
Contacting Schott Law
If you need assistance applying for SSI, Schott Law is here for you. Maggie Schott is an SSDI & SSI lawyer serving Washington and Idaho. Contact us now at (509) 328-5789 to start your application.