Filing an Appeal With Social Security: A Step-by-Step Guide For Washington State Residents

If your social security benefits request was denied, you can appeal the decision by submitting a reconsideration request or attending a hearing. Discuss your options with a trusted Spokane SSDI and SSI lawyer today to learn more.

Even though you may believe you meet the requirements for receiving public benefits like Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security income (SSI), your initial application may be denied. This experience can be frustrating and discouraging, especially if you are counting on these benefits to help you cover your monthly expenses. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides a few options for appealing an SSDI or SSI denial. Whether you complete and submit a reconsideration request or you need to request a hearing for the SSA to review your application, having a trusted and experienced SSDI attorney by your side during the appeal process is highly recommended. Together, you and your caring Spokane lawyer can present clear evidence of your eligibility and maximize your chances of securing a fair and favorable outcome. Let’s take a look at what to expect during the SSA appeals process in Washington state.

Complete an SSA Request for Reconsideration Form

If your SSDI or SSI application was denied, you can file a request for reconsideration with the SSA. The form is available here, and you can complete and file it online or via mail or fax. It’s important to note that you must file an appeal for social security disability within sixty days of the date you received the initial notice of denial. You can include evidence of your eligibility with the request for reconsideration form, such as providing medical documentation and other paperwork showing that you qualify for SSA benefits. Once the SSA receives your request for reconsideration, it will review it and notify you of its decision. If any questions arise during this process, you can seek the guidance of a knowledgeable and experienced Spokane SSDI attorney who can provide you with the insights and answers you need.

Request a Hearing With the SSA

If the SSA still denies your claim after you submit the request for reconsideration, you or your attorney can request a hearing through the SSA. The request for a hearing can be made online, by mail, or via fax. Again, this request must be filed within sixty days after the request for reconsideration has been denied. As you prepare for the hearing, you and your attorney may present new evidence as long as you notify the administrative court of this evidence no later than five business days before the hearing is held. Essentially, the hearing process allows an administrative judge to review your claim, weigh the evidence presented, and determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements for SSDI or SSI benefits. Even if the judge denies you the benefits you’re seeking, you may be able to take the matter before the Appeals Council for review. Generally speaking, the appeal process for social security takes many forms—so do not give up hope when you receive an initial denial. Instead, reach out to a dedicated and trusted Spokane SSDI lawyer to learn more about filing an appeal with Social Security.

How Long Does it Take for an SSI Appeal?

Depending on the approach you take to appeal an SSA claim denial, the process could take anywhere from several weeks to over a year to reach a conclusion. Those who take their cases before the Appeals Council can expect to wait even longer for a final decision. Whether you need guidance regarding how to file an SSI appeal online or how to appeal social security denials, consider working with a highly qualified Spokane attorney by your side. This skilled legal advocate can help you navigate complex legal requirements, strengthen your case with expert advice, and improve the chances of a favorable outcome.

At Schott Law, we are committed to helping you and your loved ones secure the government benefits you deserve. If you have questions about the Social Security appeals process, contact our Spokane office today at (509) 328-5789 to discuss your concerns with a dedicated and caring SSDI and SSI attorney.